Hecla Reports Highest Silver, Gold And Lead Reserves In 128 Year History
COEUR D’ALENE, ID - Hecla Mining Company reported the highest silver, gold and lead reserves in its 128-year history and provided an update on its exploration programs during the fourth quarter of 2018. “Reserves in stable jurisdictions are a mining company’s most important asset. Hecla now has the largest reserve in its 128-year history and its largest single year increase because of exploration. The increase reflects the quality of the districts we control; our long-term, consistent strategy; and the capturing and use of all the data that long-lived mines have,” said Phillips S. Baker, Jr., President and CEO. “We have achieved this while the industry has generally seen declining reserves and we were able to use among the most conservative price assumptions in the industry because of the strong economics of these deposits. It is particularly important that this growth comes at Greens Creek and Casa Berardi, who generate approximately 85% of our revenue and most of our operations’ free cash flow. These mines are Hecla’s best. We expect our other mines to do the same over the next few years. We are working hard at San Sebastian to extend the oxide mine life and to put the sulfides into production. We are just starting our work in Nevada, reducing the reserve to better reflect the geology, with the goal of building a solid base for consistent production.”
“The 2018 exploration program was very successful at not only our mines but at some of our exploration properties. However, for 2019 the focus will be on San Sebastian, Casa Berardi and Nevada, of which Nevada is estimated to be about half of the budget,” said Baker. “We believe that after a few years of committed exploration there, we could see results similar to what was achieved in 2018.”
Hecla more than replaced gold production in 2018 (318,901 gold ounces contained) as reserves increased by 26% over 2017, and gold reserve prices were calculated at $1,200/oz. Silver production in 2018 (12.9 million silver ounces contained) was also more than replaced as reserves increased by 8%, despite using $14.50/oz for the reserve calculation. In the last 11 years, Hecla has not only replaced silver production but added another 200 million ounces through exploration. Both zinc and lead production were replaced and reserves increased by 11% and 5%, respectively.
Measured and indicated gold ounces increased 44% to 7.0 million ounces, a gain of 2.15 million ounces over 2017 due to increases at Greens Creek and the acquisition of the Nevada properties. Measured and indicated silver ounces increased 65% to a record 208 million ounces, an increase of 82 million ounces over 2017 due to a large increase at Greens Creek, San Sebastian and the addition of the Nevada properties. Inferred gold resources increased 96% to 3.6 million ounces and a gain of 1.8 million ounces primarily due to the acquisition of the Nevada properties. Inferred silver resources increased 4% to 465 million ounces, a gain of 17 million ounces due to increases at San Sebastian, Greens Creek, and the acquisition of Nevada properties.
At the Greens Creek Mine in Alaska, the 845,398 tons processed at the mill in 2018 contained 10.3 million ounces of silver, 79,087 ounces of gold, 63,116 tons of zinc, and 23,656 tons of lead. Silver, gold and base metal production was replaced, and silver, gold, zinc, and lead reserves increased by 18.7%, 15.8%, 14.9%, and 16.8%, respectively, over 2017 reserves. The current silver reserve of 107.1 million ounces is the highest since 2008, the year Hecla acquired 100% of the mine. The current gold reserve of 840k ounces is the highest since 2009. Increases in silver and gold reserves at the 200 South, Gallagher, West, 9A, and Southwest zones were partially offset by reductions of silver and gold reserves in the 5250 Zone caused by mine depletion.
Measured and indicated resources increased by 66,134,100 silver ounces (211%) and 467,700 gold ounces (181%) over 2017 with additions in the West, Southwest, 9A, and 200 South zones and losses in the Gallagher and East zones due to conversion to reserves. New drilling and remodeling of areas historically mined at higher cutoffs were responsible for the increases in Measured and indicated resources. Inferred resources increased by 3,271,900 silver ounces (10%) and decreased by 3,200 gold ounces (-1%) due to large conversions to indicated resources or reserves in the 200 South, Upper Plate and East Ore zones
In Canada, the company reported that Casa Berardi Mine 1,375,718 tons processed at the mill contained approximately 162,744 ounces of gold, with 744,952 tons (54%) of the milled tonnage coming from underground and 630,776 tons (46%) of the milled tonnage coming from the East Mine Crown Pillar (EMCP) open pit. Gold reserves increased approximately 28% to 1.91 million ounces and reserve tonnage at Casa Berardi increased 71% to 23.7 million tons over 2017. Depletion decreased underground reserve ounces in the 104 (Lower Inter), 113, 118, 123 and 124 zones. This was offset by reserve additions in the west extension of the EMCP as well as 134 and 160 pits. Substantial reserve increases occurred in the proposed WMCP and Principal pits where some underground reserves were incorporated into an expanded pit. There was an overall reduction in underground reserves of 176,400 gold ounces and an increase of open pit reserves of 589,600 gold ounces compared to 2017.
Measured and indicated gold resources decreased 12% from 2017 levels as gains from underground drilling of the 119 and 123 zones and 134 and 160 open pits were offset by decreases at the 107 (South West), 108 (Inter), 111, 113, 115, 117, 118, 121, 124, and 160 underground. The largest decreases were a result of incorporation of the 107 (South West) and 160 underground to open pit reserves. Inferred gold resources decreased 9% from 2017 levels as increases at the 105, 116, 124, 134, 146, 157, and 160 (underground and open pit) zones were offset by losses to inferred resources in the 107 (South West) 108 (Inter) 118, 119, 121, 123, 148, and 160 underground and open pit zones by conversion to indicated resources. Significant losses to inferred resources in the 107 and 108 zones were due to resource upgrades and incorporation into the new WMCP pit. A new NI-43-101 Technical Report is expected within 45 days.
At San Sebastian in Mexico, the 156,733 tons processed at the mill contained 2.04 million ounces of silver and 14,979 ounces of gold. Reserves are currently 2.8 million ounces of silver and 22,500 ounces of gold. At the end of the year there was an ore stockpile containing 84,700 silver ounces and 1,800 ounces of gold. The total underground reserves in the Middle Vein are 2.33 million ounces silver and 11,900 ounces gold and represent 83% and 53% of the silver and gold reserves, respectively. The total open pit reserves in the North Vein are 377,600 ounces silver and 8,800 ounces gold and represent 14% and 39% of the silver and gold reserves, respectively.
Due to significant definition drilling, the indicated resources increased from 2017 by 67% for silver to 14.7 million ounces, 11% for gold to 114,700 ounces, 110% for zinc to 42,710 tons, 96% for lead to 30,410 tons, and 119% for copper to 19,780 tons. Indicated Resources are separated into ‘Oxide’ and ‘Polymetallic’ mineral styles; oxide is cyanide-amenable material and polymetallic is base-metal-sulfide-rich material amenable to a flotation milling process. Polymetallic resources were defined and extended at depth on the Francine and Middle Veins during 2018. Polymetallic mineralization has zinc, lead and copper and represents 54% of the silver and 17% of the Measured and indicated gold resources. The inferred resource increased from 2017 by 44% for silver to 22.9 million ounces and 50% for gold to 142,700 ounces due to new material being added along the Middle Vein and in the East Francine areas. Lead, zinc and copper decreased by 62%, 64% and 11%, respectively, as a direct result of conversion of polymetallic mineralization in the Francine Vein from inferred to indicated.
Open pit mining continued in 2018 in the expanded North pit to the west and at depth and an additional smaller ‘satellite pit’ to the west and mining of this pit is expected to continue into 2020. New high-grade, precious metal resources on the Professor and East Francine veins are being evaluated for underground mine design and scheduling. Possible conversion of polymetallic veins in the Francine Vein to reserves will be dependent on metallurgical testing of the bulk sample and stope optimizations. The material from the bulk sample will be used for metallurgical studies and a viability test at a nearby mill, where the processing of polymetallic sulfide ores from San Sebastian is planned.
In Idaho, the Lucky Friday 17,309 tons processed at the mill contained approximately 186,609 ounces of silver, 673 tons of zinc and 1,131 tons of lead. Reserves are currently 81.0 million ounces of silver, 510,800 tons of lead and 225,260 tons of zinc and are essentially unchanged relative to 2017. Measured and indicated resources have increased 3% for silver to 77.4 million ounces, 3% for lead to 499,070 tons and 4% for zinc to 265,970 tons. Inferred resources remained relatively unchanged year-over-year and include 24.8 million ounces of silver, 181,180 tons of zinc and 74,340 tons of lead.
The 47,573 tons processed at the Fire Creek Mine In Nevada mill in 2018 contained approximately 17,993 ounces of gold and 22,482 ounces of silver. Reserves at Fire Creek are 69,300 ounces gold and 56,900 ounces of silver and are a reduction from the second quarter of 2018 primarily due to model changes that interpret the veins to be thinner (47% of reduction), mining depletion (29% of reduction), and increased costs resulting in higher cut-off grades (17% of reduction). Measured and indicated underground resources are 215,200 ounces of gold and 197,900 ounces of silver and inferred resources are 298,700 ounces of gold and 288,400 ounces of silver.
The company reported that the Hollister Mine 32,286 tons processed at the mill in 2018 contained approximately 11,779 ounces of gold and 106,056 ounces of silver. Reserves at Hollister are 7,600 ounces of gold and 82,400 ounces silver and are a reduction from the second quarter 2018 primarily due to mining depletion, but also due to removal of material because of thinner vein interpretations. Additional reserve reductions were made as a result of recent identification of fault offsets in the West Gloria area; this material may come back into the reserve once the structural geology and offset magnitudes are interpreted and drill tested. Measured and indicated resources are 181,900 ounces of gold and 770,200 ounces of silver and inferred resources are 222,700 ounces of gold and 1.7 million ounces of silver.
The company’s address is 6500 North Mineral Drive, Suite 200, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815-9408, (208) 769-4100, www.hecla-mining.com.